Trial is scheduled to begin today in the Utah wrongful death case Nelson v. Kristen M. Jahn, MD, Emergency Physicians Integrated Care, LLC, and Tooele Hospital d/b/a/ Mountain West Medical Center, Case No. 180202125, Third District Court, Tooele, Utah, Judge Teresa Welch.
Plaintiffs seek damages for the wrongful death of Renee R. Nelson for the alleged failure to provide adequate emergency medical care after a suspected accidental overdose of prescription opioids. On December 16, 2015, Renee Nelson inadvertently took some of her husband’s opioid medication. Discovering her error, Mr. Nelson called 911 and had Mrs. Nelson transported to Tooele Hospital via ambulance. She was treated at Tooele Hospital emergency room by Dr. Kristen M. Jahn, MD. It is alleged that Dr. Jahn failed to properly diagnose polysubstance toxicity and released Mrs. Nelson to home without properly diagnosing her precarious medical condition. Mrs. Nelson died approximately 11 hours after being released from the emergency room.
Tooele Hospital d/b/a Mountain West Medical Center was dismissed by stipulation of the parties prior to trial.
The Complaint is available here: Complaint – Nelson v. Jahn
Dr. Jahn’s Answer is available here: Answer – Nelson v. Jahn (Jahn)
Stipulated Jury instructions are available here: Stipulated Jury Instructions – Nelson v. Jahn
Stipulated Special Verdict Form is available here: Stip Spec Verdict Form – Nelson v. Jahn
Plaintiffs, Rick Nelson and the Estate of Renee Nelson, are represented by Christopher Ault and Brittani Harris.
Defendants, Kristen M. Jahn, MD, and Emergency Physicians Integrated Care, LLC., are represented by David C. Epperson and Scott Epperson.